Bulk SMS
Packages designed to make your business reach the largest customer segment.
Zain Business offers broadband packages to do your business quickly and easily with a high degree of security to manage your business everywhere.


Competitive offerings

An easy-to-use interface

A state-of-the-art platform that includes SMPP, HTTP, and API protocol integrations
- Guarantees delivery and offers monitoring capabilities and activity reports
- The SMSC technology offers high bandwidths, enabling customers to send up to 200 SMS per second
- Facilitates business transactions quickly and easily with high degrees of security and efficiency
- What is the benefit of getting the Bulk SMS from Zain?
Zain guarantees the service continuity.
- Could the location-based SMS target non-Zain customers?
No, this service is only for Zain’s mobile customers.
- What is the benefit of getting the Bulk SMS from Zain?