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Mobile Telecommunication Company Saudi Arabia (Zain KSA) announces the date of the commencement date of electronic voting agenda items for the Extraordinary General Assembly Meeting which includes Capital Decrease (First Meeting )

Monday 5 October 2020


Announcement Detail Mobile Telecommunication Company Saudi Arabia (Zain KSA) (the "Company") announces that the electronic voting will start at 10:00 AM on Monday 18/02/1442H corresponding to 05 October 2020G, and will continue until the end of the meeting.
Based on the Capital Market Authority circular issued dated 21/7/1441 H (corresponding to 16 March 2020G) regarding the suspension of conducting general assembly meetings by physical attendance until further notice, and to conduct such meetings remotely through modern technology means, and within the support of preventive and precautionary efforts and measures taken by the competent and relevant health authorities to address the new Coronavirus (COVID-19), the Company invites its shareholders to participate in the Extraordinary General Assembly meeting by attending the link shown below:
Note that shareholders will be able to register in Tadawulaty system and may vote electronically on the general assembly meeting’s agenda through Tadawulaty’s website Voting and registration in Tadawulaty system are provided free of charge to all shareholders
Shareholders questions on this meeting’s agenda items can be received through the Investors Relations Department via direct call: +966-592448888 or be E-mailed to starting from the time of this announcement; questions will then be addressed during the meeting.
Attached Documents Click Here


