Our Bills set on (28th)
In line with the Royal Decree on 6th January, 2018, which directs issuing utility bills within the week following payment of government employee salaries.
Accordingly, Zain has set the 28th of each month for issuing its bills to subscribers, as an implantation for the Royal Decree staring from February 2018.
Postpaid Packages for Voice and Mobile Broadband
Starting from February, there will be no bills will be issued on the 1st and 15th of the month, as it will be issued on 28th of February.
Note that the renewal of the package benefits and features will not be affected by this change during this month, as it will be renewed on the old bill issuance date. However, starting for next month onwards it will be renewed on the 28th of each month.
For illustration, the following examples will help with understanding the treatment of each bill issuance date:

If a customer was subscribed to package (Postpaid 99), the invoice will be issued on 28th of February instead of 1st February.
PAYG From 1st Jan Till 28th February
SAR 50
Package subscription for the month of 1st Feb till 28th Feb
SAR 92.4
Total bill issued on 28th of February
SAR 142.4
If a customer was subscribed to package (Postpaid 99), the invoice will be issued on 28th of February instead of 15th February.
PAYG From 15th Jan Till 28th February
SAR 50
Package subscription for the month of 15th Feb till 28th Feb
SAR 42.9
Total bill issued on 28th of February
SAR 92.9
We might want to advise you that the invoice won't be issued on 1st February, it will be issued on 28th February.
Note that the benefits and features of the package won't be affected by this change on this month , it will be accordingly renewed on 1st February 2018 but from the next month it will renewed on 28th of each month calendar.
If the customer is subscribed to package (Package 225), his/her invoice will be issued on 28th of February instead of 1st February.
PAYG From 1st January Till 31st January
SAR 225
Package subscription for the month of 1st February till 28th February
SAR 210
Total bill issued on 28th of February
SAR 435
If the customer is subscribed to package (Postpaid 225), his/her invoice will be issued on 28th of February instead of 15th February.
PAYG From 15th Jan Till 15th February
SAR 225
Package subscription for the month of 15th February till 28th February
SAR 112.5
Total bill issued on 28th of February
SAR 337.5
- Will the Bills be issued on February 1st 2018?
The bill will be issued on 28th of February instead of 1st February.
- Will the services provided to your package be affected?
The benefits and features of the package won't be affected by this change on this month , it will be accordingly renewed on 1st February 2018 but from the next month it will renewed on 28th of each month calendar.
- What will be the billing cycle dates for Zain?
The date of issuance of utility Bills to be on the 28th of every Gregorian month.
- Can a customer pay during the period from Feb 1st to Feb 28th?
Yes, the customer can pay during this period and will be deducted from the bill value issued on the 28th February.
- Will the service be suspended during the period from Feb 1st to Feb 28th?
No, the service will not be suspended, a text messagewill be sent to the customer informing about their credit limit.
- Can the customer know unbilled amounts?
Yes, customer can do that on My Account page or by sending “UB” to 959.
- What consumptions will be included in February 28th, 2018 bill?
All the consumptions from January 1st 2018 to February 27th 2018 in addition to the package subscription fees for February 2018.
- How can I avoid the service disconnection during this period?
We encourage you to settle the unbilled amount to avoid reaching your credit limit.
- Is there any change on my account number for SADAD?
No. you may use your account number to pay through SADAD channels.
- Is it possible to inquire about unbilled amount?
For details of un-billed amounts, send "Bills" to 959 or visit My Account page
- Will the Bills be issued on February 1st 2018?